Getting Your Credit Report
The information in your credit report has a huge impact on
whether or not you qualify for a mortgage loan and what interest
rate a lender will offer. Therefore, it's important your credit
report reflects a positive image of the way you manage your
money. If you're getting ready to buy a home, checking your
credit report is the best way to ensure you get the loan and
interest rate you deserve.
The easiest way to see what's in your credit report is to contact
the three national credit reporting agencies - Equifax,
Experian and
TransUnion -
and request a copy from each. That's because the three agencies
are independent of each other and the information may differ on
all three reports. In addition, you may not know which agency
your lender will use to check your credit, so it's best to verify
that all three have correct information about your credit
If you've been denied credit, insurance, or employment because of
information in your credit report from any of the three agencies,
you can obtain a free credit report by contacting the agency
within 60 days of receiving a denial notice. In addition, you're
entitled to a free copy of your report each year when you certify
in writing that (1) you're unemployed and looking for a job
within 60 days, (2) you're currently on welfare, or (3) your
report contains errors due to fraud. Otherwise, the agencies
charge a fee for a copy of your report.
For additional fees, each agency may offer you different report
variations, such as:
- A credit report with or
without your credit score.
- A three-in-one credit
report that lets you see a side-by-side comparison of records,
from all three agencies, with or without scores.
- Notification services when
your credit history is requested.
- Routine notification
changes to your file.
- Subscriptions that allow
you to access your report on a regular basis.
New law promotes free access to credit reports
By September 1, 2005, free reports will be accessible to
all consumers.
Whether you are thinking of buying a home or simply curious about
what's in your credit report, it's important to correct any
errors you discover as soon as possible. You don't want errors in
your credit report affecting your eligibility for credit in the